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Saturday, March 9, 2013

Weekends are Hard!

I don't have anything that interesting to write about today, except that weekends are hard!  Weekends have been my time jump off the "well-rounded diet" train, eat cereal for two meals, curl up with a glass of wine in the evening, and snack on my stash of carob chips from Whole Foods. It's always been okay because I never really saw any consequence from it, but all three of those are totally not allowed on Paleo.  And it's been hard! I never realized that these foods were actually a habit that I came to depend on and look forward to.

Now I have just a hint of what addiction must be like.  I can't believe how much time I have spent thinking about carob chips today!  They sound like little pieces of heaven right now, and it's taking everything in me not to get in my car and drive all the way to 1604  & Blanco to "score me some chips".

Ryan's craving pizza.  I'm craving carob. I think Sawyer is getting the shakes from peanut butter and jelly deprivation.  I'm just glad Ryan and I are doing this together so we can hide the car keys and pizza delivery numbers if necessary.

We'll push through and hopefully next weekend will be easier! 

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