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Monday, March 11, 2013

Paleo Deviled Eggs

Sawyer really like these!  This method worked really well for the hard-boiled eggs too. Not sure if it was the method or the quality of the eggs, but give it a try!

  • free-range eggs
  • homemade mayonnaise (see condiment recipes)
  • salt, pepper and seasonings (I used paprika and a seasoning blend)

  1.  Boil your eggs for about 6 minutes. Cool down under cold water (to prevent a darkening of the edge of the yolk). Peel the eggs, cut them in half and scoop the yolks out.
  2. In a separate bowl, mash the egg yolks, add homemade mayo until you have a smooth consistency. Season to taste.
  3. Place the yolk filling back inside the egg whites and serve! (Deviled eggs can keep for a few days in the fridge, but they do not freeze well.)
Recipe courtesy of the Paleo Dietician website

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