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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Day 11: Epic Failure

Yes, I skipped Day 10 if anyone is wondering.  The Type A in me is trying to be okay with that.  We just had a really busy day.  Real estate seems to come in waves, but it's a fun ride! We also had our Bible Study group over last night, and I was trying be a kitchen goddess on top of it all. Which bring me to our!

I found a recipe where you puree spinach in with eggs and mix in seasoned meat to make a "green eggs and ham" bake.  I thought it would be fun for Sawyer.  Well, all was going well until the spinach floated to the top of the mixure during baking, so we ended up with this green "foam" on top of everything.  It was absolutely gross.  18 organic cage-free eggs went down the disposal, and Sawyer got to have a muffin and banana for breakfast.  At least he was happy in the end and I had food on hand!  Here's what we are doing today:

Breakfast: Making it work (I had a sweet potato and berries), I sent the eggs with Emery because I honestly think she will eat them. Ryan stomached the eggs before I threw them away and Sawyer had his muffin and banana.

Lunch: Deli meat rolls with guacamole or avacado slices, melon and blackberries, ants on a log (almond butter)

Dinner: Meatloaf with Paleo ketchup, Crockpot Spaghetti Squash, and Broccoli. 

Recipes will be posted for meatloaf, crockpot spaghetti squash, guacamole, and catsup.

Have a great day! I'm off to show some houses!

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