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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Day 11: Change of Plans

Like most days with two small children, today didn't quite go as planned.  I was out and about longer than expected and lunchtime rolled around with nothing on hand.  Sawyer and I had dropped in at Kuper Sotheby's Alamo Heights office, so we conveniently in the vicinity of a Whole Foods, my Paleo Mecca.

We walked in hand in hand convinced to find something that would fill our tummies.  Prepared food? No..... Cheese? No..... Yogurt? No...... Bag of organic pretzels? No.......  Finally, we settled on the produce department and bulk foods and walked out with a couple apples, a small bag of unsweetened dried fruit, and small bag of nuts.  Not the most complete or recommended lunch, but it worked.  It's really amazing how many aisles in the grocery store, even a "natural" food store, that you just blow right by!

I've got to say, I'm not feeling that great this afternoon.  I think it was all that sugar in the dried fruit and apple, especially when I was famished!  I feel sluggish, bloated, and my head hurts a little bit. I could totally go for a nap.  So therefore the meatloaf isn't getting made (ran out of almond meal too), the ketchup isn't needed, and Sawyer never made it to the guacamole for lunch. So no recipes today!  Luckily, I have some salmon on hand that I can cook up quickly for dinner tonight, and Emery definitely has a spare puree somewhere in the fridge.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Looks like I'll be making a Trader Joe's stop for some almond meal! Anyone need anything?

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