Good morning!
I woke up this morning feeling so sore but so good! Really, I feel like all of this water weight washed out of me overnight, and it feels great! I haven't weighed myself at all, and I might after one week just to check in, but we'll see. A few fewer pounds would be nice at the end of the 30 days, but it's not my primary goal. I started off at 142, so we'll see what the scale says on Monday.
I think I'm going to change up the way I do this blog. An update for every meal was getting a little stressful, so I'm going to post our meal plan in the morning, or the night before, and then a summary of the day in the evening.
I think I'm also going to start making the recipes individual posts, and then archive them so you can find exactly what you want instead of scrolling through a bunch of recipes. I'll convert the others into that format, too. I'll also post pictures of the food in those posts and cute pictures of my family enjoying (or rejecting) the food on these posts.
Our plan today is:
Breakfast: Turkey Sausage Patties for Ryan and me, Pumpkin Pancakes for the kids, Juice for everyone
Lunch: Chicken Apple Salad for Ryan, Emery, and me (Emery's pureed) Sawyer's lunchbox: deli meat rolls, pineapple, muffin, half banana.
Dinner: Chicken Coconut Curry for Ryan, Emery, and me. Sweet potato w/almond butter and steamed broccoli for Sawyer.
Breakfast was fantastic today. The sausage patties were REALLY good. I think I much preferred the ground turkey to the ground beef we have been using this week. I just don't think I can get into ground beef. It actually felt good to eat a hunk of meat for breakfast instead of the usual cereal.

Lunch went great. I really love that Chicken Apple Salad! I heated it up today and it was even better.
My biggest success of the day was definitely dinner. I changed the plan and made Paleo Chicken (Turkey) Nuggets and Sawyer loved them. I made a big deal of watching them bake and getting excited to eat them. I also did my best to make them the exact size and shape of the frozen ones. The coconut breading made them smell so good, too. I almost did a dance when I saw him eating them up. This will surely be a staple of our menu!
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