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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Day 2: The Plan

Good morning to Day 2!  Our plan today is much the same as yesterday, with a few tweaks.  In our home, we try to make enough of a meal to last 2-3 days because cooking every night is just not going to happen.  So our meal plan is basically the same as Day with these modifications:

Breakfast: Sawyer got scrambled eggs and a banana instead of the Breakfast Loaf.
Lunch: Same for everyone, except I sent more food with Ryan. He was HUNGRY yesterday.  I sent him the same lunch along with a banana and a few almonds.
Dinner: I'm going to mush up Sawyer's veggies and meat a little.  He's not a big fan of things that take too much chewing.  Gotta love 3 year-olds
Snacks: Today I'm going to make some Paleo Almond Zucchini Muffins (see recipe page). I think they both needed a mid-afternoon snack yesterday, as Emery was ravenous by supper time. I also hope Sawyer eats his dinner so he can try my Chocolate Date Bars (see recipe page). Yum!

The plan is also to get to the gym today.  My goal is to start going to the group yoga and Pilates classes at Lifetime, but that means getting over my general distaste for group fitness classes.  We'll see how that goes. I just think yoga and Pilates will help with the whole idea of helping my body work for me and achieving hormonal, metabolic, and emotional balance.


This looks better, right? Well, not to Sawyer this morning. My boy who normally gobbles down scrambled eggs wanted nothing to do with them this morning. He did eat the banana, though (sigh).  On a positive notes, the juice went down easy.  I think he chose apple, tangelo, tomato, parsley, green lettuce, and ginger this morning.  It was quite tasty! 

I decided just to have some scrambed eggs and a big juice as well. Hopefully Emery and Daddy have great breakfasts too!


Ryan and I had a great lunch of the meatballs from yesterday, along with his extra food. Sawyer and Emery were an epic failure.  Both barely touched their food at school and daycare.  Emery ate her breakfast but not much of anything else.  Sawyer ate his melon and not much else.  He didn't even want the pumpkin hummus I packed for a treat when the rest of the kids are having a restricted snack. 

I felt so frustrated when I picked up Sawyer realizing now he had hardly had breakfast or lunch. All I heard as we walked to the car is, "Mommy, I want a waffle!" Almond meal to the rescue!  I came home and whipped up these beauties, and I swear his eyes twinkled. He literally inhaled it. These are the almond zucchini muffins.


Once again.....Ryan and I loved it, Emery ate it, and Sawyer literally gagged.  Mushing it up just didn't work.  Pity overcame consistency and I succumbed to a back-up plan for Sawyer's dinner.  Cubed sweet potato with almond butter drizzled over the top......and a muffin.  Plate was clean!  I even gave him a tiny square of the chocolate date bars and he was a much happier boy.


I'm a little disappointed with how today went.  I really want this food to be the best for our family but also taste good!  I can't just give Sawyer sweet potato and almond butter every night either!  I know it's going to take some experimenting and some time to change his palate for hot dogs and chicken nuggets.  I just hate to see him hungry and not really enjoying his food.  Emery I'm not worried about.  We can still stick an immersion blender in pretty much anything and she is fine.  Hopefully it stays that way if we start now!

This is going to be a lot of work, I know. I spent two hours meal planning for next week today, and I'm not done.  I'm hoping that as it becomes more our lifestyle, though, we'll develop the go-to recipes that we know everyone enjoys. I also hope that I can do the legwork for some of you who are interested in doing Paleo with your whole family.  Let me make the mistakes and make my children gag so you don't have to! :)

One last thing... As I read through my last several posts I'm already realizing how most of it is about the kids and not about my journey.  Isn't that just the way life is for us moms? I've been way more concerned about how the kids are doing with this than how I am.  I'm mostly okay with that, but it's just interesting that our maternal focus on our children doesn't stop at diets! 

So for anyone who cares... I had a pretty good day.  Got the munchies again but was able to stave them off with some cucumber and my trusty pumpkin hummus.  I have a feeling there will be a lot of that made in the next few weeks. My other little struggle is eating so much darn meat.  I really don't love the stuff, but I hope to adjust to that as well. Went to the gym and it felt good to get moving.  I have Spin on the schedule tomorrow and my first yoga class on Thursday night.  Yikes, that is two group fitness classes in two days!  Who am I?




  1. Just wanted to give you a note of encouragement and thanks. I've loved reading your blog so far. We are going gluten free and using lots of paleo recipes. If I have any great recipes, I'll toss them on facebook for you.
    Good luck on your journey :)
    Sarah (Harnack) Diaz

    1. Thanks Sarah! Glad you are reading and I hope it helps you in your GF goal. Please share any success recipes. I can use them all! Good to hear from you too! :)



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