Day 3 has already gotten a little more creative. Here's the plan:
Breakfast: Breakfast loaf for Ryan, Erin, and Emery. "Red" omelet for Sawyer (see below). Juice for everyone.
Lunch: Meatballs (last day) and green beans for me and Ryan (last day), pureed beef and veggies. from last night for Emery, and a zucchini muffin, apple slices with almond butter, melon, and raisins for Sawyer. Whew!
Dinner: Chicken Thai Curry with Broccoli, Mushroom, and Sweet Potato
Juice was kind of fun this morning. Sawyer got creative with apple, lemon, cabbage, spinach, celery, cilantro, green leaf lettuce, and ginger. I did pretty much the same but replaced the apple with a grapefruit and added a cucumber. Won't do the grapefruit again. Too sour! Sawyer drank his whole cup and was so proud of himself!

By the way, probably not getting to the gym today. Real estate is keeping me very busy this Wednesday. I will NOT miss my first H.I.T. class at Lifetime tomorrow, though!
Lunch was a huge success. I was so happy to open Sawyer's lunchbox and find it empty.

Ryan and I LOVED this recipe. It was so good! We love coconut curry and I never let myself eat it because of the fat content, but it's totally allowed on Paleo. Emery gobbled it up and Sawyer stared at it. Hungry boy tonight and no muffin. Bummer. We totally recommed this recipe though, and it was super easy!
Today I was hungry.... until I realized that I'm supposed to eat on this plan. Every "diet" I've been on before has involved calorie restriction, and it's hard to wrap my brain around the fact that I can eat a decent amount of food and still (hopefully) reap the benefits of Paleo. I haven't felt a ton different yet, but it's also a difficult time of the month for me. ;) Hopefully in the next few days I'll start to see some progress.
I did have a stress moment today though. Both kids were whining and I was trying to get lunches packed and dinner on the table and Sawyer was already saying "yuck!". I had this unbelievable urge to put something comforting in my mouth. A handful of crackers or a glass of soymilk or a piece of chocolate. Stopped, took a breath, said a quick prayer for patience, and done! My first craving identified....and defeated!
We are exhausted in this house. Off to bed!
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